At Kurt’s we recognize that the most important Real Estate to you is the Real Estate you own, or that you want to own.
We also recognize that you probably do not want to talk to a salesperson every time you see a new Realtor’s sign in your neighborhood. You may not be ready to buy or sell today, you may just be interested in what is going on in your market.
Is is our intention for this service to be a useful tool to help you better monitor the market’s activity regarding the Real Estate you are most interested in, your own. This is a no pressure, no obligation service, where you can follow the activity in your targeted slice of the market without having to talk to a salesperson every time you see a new Realtor’s sign in the neighborhood.
When you fill out the form, we will set up your own website where you can view sort and track the market’s activity in the specifically targeted portion of the market you are interested in. You will receive an original Multi-list search and ongoing, periodic updates, posted to your private website. These periodic updates can continue indefinitely.
Simply complete the Market Watch Request or Call Kurt’s at (970) 377-0810.
Market Watch Request
Please briefly describe the property or area of our Real Estate market you are looking to watch.